Belief is a Beautiful Armour

Hello, I'm a Christian - Born and Raised.

Today, I'm going to find out why.


Physical Evidence - The Bible

Contrary to popular belief, the bible isn't just one book but a collection of books written by a number of authors over 1,500 years. Although this brings into question the internal consistency of the bible, there are copies of the manuscripts throughout history showing that the bible has been transmitted accurately. The messages it contains are coherent and consistent meaning that although the bible was written by a number of authors over a period of time - the underlying worldview is robust.

Other physical evidence includes archaeological finds documenting how the bible corresponds to historical reality.

This provides evidence that the bible did in fact document real events that happened in history.

Testimonial Evidence - Jesus Christ

One of the most powerful lines of reasoning to support the claim that the Bible is true is found in Jesus Christ. If it can be shown that the four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – present an accurate record of the life and ministry of Jesus, then Jesus himself becomes an argument in support of the truth of the Bible.

Almost all scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, but scholars differ on the historicity of specific episodes described in the biblical accounts of Jesus, and the only two events subject to "almost universal assent" are that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.

This supports the case for the bible as well as confirms that Jesus did in fact exist. The only question that remains is whether Jesus was indeed God in human form.

Throughout the bible, Jesus Christ made many claims that he was God in human form. In an age when such a statement would be considered blasphemy punishable by death, a man claiming to be God would have to either be 1) insane or 2) actually God.

From the accounts given in the bible and other historical documents including the Qu'ran, Jesus did not display any characteristics of insanity and was shown to be a rational man.

So if Jesus being of sound mind claimed to be God, then all that remains is the proof - shown through miracles documented in the bible as well as documentation of Jesus having lived a sinless life.

Modern Day Application

So we've established that Jesus existed and that he was in fact God in human form, but what relevance does that have to the 21st Century?

Classic bible verse John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever should believe in him shall not perish but gain eternal life.

The implications of this verse contributes to the protestant view that God loves us and he desires to have an intimate relationship with us. For us to reciprocate that love, we are called to follow his word which is simply to live a life that glorifies God and to spread the good news that despite our sin, we have an almighty father that cares for us and wants to see us thrive.

Writing this article for me has helped confirm a lot of my beliefs, but I understand that it is only the tip of the iceberg. Many questions remain including proof for those miracles, what this meant before the bible, what this means about other religions and what this means for me.

But that's for next time.


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